Tuesday, 19 November 2024

November meeting

An inspiring full day workshop using die cutting machines was led by Jane Hadfield. 

No, we didn't use the machines to cut out card or fabric shapes, we used them to make collagraph style prints using scraps of lace and braids and carbon paper. Who thought that carbon paper would make a comeback, and that it was available in such a variety of colours.

Jane was, of course, very well-prepared, presenting us with carbon paper, some card with which to create our print plate, a card envelope for passing through the machine. and a variety of ready-cut papers.

Here are some of the resources that Jane brought for use in making the print plates.

This was definitely a process in which experimentation was the key and could be a bit hit-and-miss trying to get the right combination of carbon paper (it can vary so much!) and correct pressure on the print plate. But... we all achieved something that we felt we could build on, and, in the afternoon, some of us moved onto using several different colours, overprinting, and even printing on fabric.

Here are some photos from the morning, unfortunately, it was a very dull day and lighting in our meeting venue was appalling, so nothing from the afternoon.

Thank you, Jane, for a great day.  Christmas cards are calling, and the multicolour pack of carbon paper arrived yesterday........

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