Friday, 24 December 2021
Wednesday, 22 December 2021
December Meeting - Fast Fun
The meeting in December was led by members. There was a fun activity which enabled participants to explore their creativity.
Thanks to Sue for the photos
Saturday, 18 December 2021
December Newsletter
The December Newsletter can be viewed HERE. There are details of the January Zoom meeting and upcoming activities.
Friday, 10 December 2021
RSN Online Talks
The Royal School of Needlework will host a series of online talks in the New Year. There is a small charge. You can check them out by clicking on the photograph.
Thursday, 2 December 2021
Thread Talk - from the Embroiderers Guild
The next Thread Talk will be on 9 December and by Lucy Adlington. Lucy will talk about her new book "Sewing to Survive" and will highlight the fashions of the 1940s.
You can book a ticket by clicking on Lucy's Photo
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Monday, 22 November 2021
Thread Talks
The Embroiderers' Guild is presenting a series of talks about textiles. The next one will feature Richard Box and is entitled "Richard's Adventures in Painting and Embroidery". This is an online event and takes place on Saturday 27th November from 2 - 3.30pm.
Click HERE for the link to booking and for information about other events
Saturday, 13 November 2021
Julia Wright
In the afternoon session, on 6 November, Textile Artist gave us a talk about her work and how it has developed. She brought many examples of her excellent pieces and inspirational worksheets. We hope that she will offer us a workshop in the near future.
You can see more of Julia's work at
Monday, 8 November 2021
November Meeting
There was a very good meeting on 6 November. In the morning, Linda led a workshop making "Mini Scrolls". These gave ample opportunity for creativity and imagination. Here are some of Linda's inspiring examples. Ours were on a rather more modest scale.
Sunday, 24 October 2021
Friday, 15 October 2021
More of Nicole's beautiful work
Here are some further pictures of Nicole's efforts during lockdown. As someone asked on the day "Don't you do any housework?"
Monday, 11 October 2021
October Meeting
At the Meeting on 4 October, Sue gave a very interesting, illustrated, talk about the Bayeux Tapestry. She brought along a large panel that she had completed for a client , who also attended the meeting.
There was a workshop at which members could try the Bayeux stitch on a small scale. There was a choice between a bird or an animal, the motifs coming from the tapestry itself. A good, socially-distanced time was had by all.
Here are some of Sue's pieces:
Monday, 27 September 2021
September Talks - Serena
In the afternoon of the September meeting, a couple of members gave short explanation of their 'lockdown' work. Serena has accomplished a great deal.
Friday, 24 September 2021
Sunday, 19 September 2021
Thursday, 9 September 2021
Megastitchers Meetings Begin
On Saturday 4 September, Megastitchers met for the first time face-to-face as a reformed Stitching group. All had been beautifully prepared and appropriate precautions were in place but it was great to see old friends and to talk about stitching. Here is an overview of the meeting:-
and here is Rita enjoying the get together (waiting for cake!) :-
There was an outstanding selection of "lockdown" work on display:-
and to prove that health and safety was a priority, here is a photo of a 'chair' cleaning a table!!
There are lots more photos to follow and more details of the day's activities
Friday, 3 September 2021
Online Talk - from Macclesfield Silk Museum
On 15 September the Macclesfield Silk Museum is offering an online talk entitled "Flowered Silk and Duchesse Satin". The talk is free but donations are welcomed on a 'give what you can' basis.
HERE is the link
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
August Update plus Embroiderers Guild activity
You will find the Chair's August Update below. The update gives details of the proposals for the upcoming meeting. Further down the page is a link to Thread Talks from the Embroiderers Guild
August Update.
Sue, Jean, and I have visited Union Chapel
this week and had a conversation with their covid coordinators. We thought a
quick update was needed before the meeting in September.
The Chapel buildings – some cleaning
materials will be provided but their caretaker is not full time, so we are
planning on bringing our own stock, just in case. There are hand gel dispensers
at various points around the building, and we will be operating a one-way
system round the rooms. Outside the toilets are containers of wipes so you can
wipe handles etc, as you use the facilities. Written guidelines are also displayed
around the building. Obviously, we will open as many windows as we can.
Arrival – Please
go straight into the large room as we are moving Ida and the signing in table.
It is advisable to have your own pen when signing in. The door between the entrance
hall and the small hall will not be used. The meeting fee is now £4, and you can
pay your subs on the day if you haven’t already paid. As we have the sales table and a small raffle
you may need some real money with you.
Kitchen –
a maximum of 2 people can be in the kitchen at any time. We can use the urn and
we will provide tea, coffee, sugar, and milk. But you will need to bring a
cup/mug and any other crockery/cutlery you might need for your lunch. We will
not be providing biscuits initially as there are some concerns about handling
the packaging. If you want speciality teas or coffee, please bring your own
until we get up and running.
Meeting –
if you want to share work you have completed during lock down, please bring it.
If you would like to write a short explanation of the work that would be great.
Afternoon Tea
– really its coffee and cake so don’t forget your lunch.
Angie Hughes will give an online lecture on September 18th, See the EG website HERE
Friday, 27 August 2021
Summer Newsletter and other documents
The Chair has written a Summer Newsletter with details of the coming meetings and future activities. The Summer Newsletter can be seen HERE
The meeting on September 4th will include afternoon tea, this will comprise cake 🎂 (made by the committee members!) but you must make your own drink. Remember to bring your own drinking vessel 🥤
Details of the upcoming programme can be found HERE. This will print out on A4 and can then be folded to give a handy A6 leaflet.
If you have not yet renewed you membership please use the form
The Covid Statement for the group can be read HERE
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Xaverian Online Exhibition
Take a moment to look at the textile art produced by students at Xaverian college. Access the online exhibition HERE
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
Exhibition at the Portico Library
The Portico Library has a sculptural Textile exhibition running until 21 November. Check the details HERE
Saturday, 14 August 2021
EG Member's Challenge
One of our members. Sharon, entered the EG Member's Challenge. The theme was Exquisite Containers and we think that Sharon has responded beautifully.
Monday, 9 August 2021
Stitch Celebration
The group has a good tradition of celebrating stitching each year in August. Most often it is a wet day and the members are 'obliged' to take shelter in a local hostelry. This year was no exception and members gathered indoors for the first time since March 2020. Thanks to Sue for organising and for the photographs. Looks like coffee and cake but plenty of stitching.
Saturday, 31 July 2021
July Newsletter
The July newsletter is available HERE. Note the two meetings in August and hope for good weather! 😀
Friday, 2 July 2021
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Saturday, 12 June 2021
Embroiderers Guild AGM
On 5 June, the Embroiderers Guild held it's AGM. Over 200 members attended an interesting two hour Zoom session.
Neil Hitchens explained the financial position and described the "deadly fall in income" as over 30% of the membership chose not o renew during the pandemic.
Alex Messenger told members that the branches that had become independent stitch groups would receive £250 start up grants and that these had already been paid to some groups. She also suggested that the Trustees hoped that they might make a further payment once the finances had been fully assessed.
Anthea Godfrey spoke enthusiastically about the activities of the Guild during the previous year. She highlighted the support given to six scholars and showed some of their excellent works. There had been several important bequests to the Guild including work from Valerie Campbell Harding, Muriel Best and Shirley Ashmead. In February 2021, Buxton Museum and Art Gallery had been asked to dispose of their Textile Collection and the Embroiderers Guild has selected 30 pieces that will enter the collection.
Anthea Godfrey spoke about the future of the guild. There will be many e-books and e-Exhibitions. Embroidery Magazine will be digitised from its inception to the present. There will be a Speakers Hub as part of the revamped website and an improved members area.
Alex Messenger announced that the upcoming Membership subscription will be £38. With a further cost of £20 for Thread IT, and (when it is launched) £20 to become a Friend of the Collection. Affiliated groups will benefit from Insurance , Folio loans and Group subscriptions for Stitch magazine.
Despite the recent difficulties, the Trustees have put together realistic and positive proposals for teh Guild's future.
Tuesday, 8 June 2021
Meeting 6 June 2021
Friday, 4 June 2021
Meetings Saturday 5 June
There will be meetings on Saturday at 10.30 and at 3.30.
Please note that the Embroiderers Guild AGM is online at 2.30
Wednesday, 26 May 2021
May Newsletter
You can read the Chair's letter HERE
There are new stitches to explore and details of the new committee. Exhibition have started and you find out about them in the newsletter.
Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Saturday, 8 May 2021
Megastitchers - The Relaunch
Megastitchers is now an independent Stitch Group, affiliated to the Embroiderers Guild. Zoom session swill be offered until July and we hope to have face-to-face sessions (within guidance regulations) from September. Watch this space for details of meetings and a September - December programme.
Thursday, 29 April 2021
Regional Day
Merseyside Expressive Stitch Group are to be congratulated for organising an excellent day last Saturday. Over 100 people joined the day's sessions.
The speakers - Linda Miller and Michele Carragher - were both very good. Linda demonstrated her machine embroidery technique and took us for a virtual tour of her workshop in Hampshire. She explained her journey from art student to fervent stitcher and showed some of her wonderful work. Michele is a noted hand stitcher who works for television and films and is best known for her work on Game of Thrones. She spoke about her approach and we had a fascinating insight into the pressures and pleasures of her role.
The day also included short presentations from traders, who spoke very well about their interests and showed their wares. Some beautiful products and the presentations gave far more awareness of the philosophy of the businesses than one gets from a trade show such as Harrogate,
The day ended with a raffle and the awarding of prizes, for which participants had voted. It was a really worthwhile day.
Friday, 23 April 2021
Janet Browne Talk and Workshop
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
Merseyside Expressive Stitchers Group are hosting the North West Embroiderers Regional Day on Saturday 24 April. Here is the programme.