Wednesday, 25 March 2020

North West Regional Challenge

Although we are not meeting, you hope that you will still be sewing.  Sue, the regional chair has set a challenge to all branches. She would like every member of the branch to complete a small piece of work to be exhibited in October.  For details click here.  Happy sewing.

Meetings Cancelled

All meetings are cancelled until further notice.  We hope that you stay safe and well

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

7 March 2020

In the afternoon of 7 March, Dr Jenny Fox-Eades led us in an introduction to the Alexander Technique. We all sat up and took notice because sewing can be hard on all sorts of joints.  Jenny had a lovely manner and we relaxed (with good posture!) as she gently introduced the technique.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

March 2020 Meeting

The morning of our March Meeting is usually a series of member-led demonstrations and this year the theme was an exploration of the possibilities of hand stitches.  The demonstrators had all prepared very well and were full of infectious enthusiasm.  A great time was had by all.  Here you can see some of the work in progress.

Monday, 9 March 2020

Batik Bags

On Saturday 7 March the Branch brought together some of the bags that had been started at the February meeting.  After wax removal and additional input (stitching, framing) , here are some of the items:-

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Manchester Open

You have until 29 March to see works at the Manchester Open at Home, No 2 Tony Wilson Place Manchester, M15 4FN

Many intriguing examples of textile art have been included in the selection.

Check the website HERE