Tuesday, 22 December 2020

December Newsletter

 Here is a link to the December Newsletter.  You will have more details of the upcoming programme and some homework! 😀


Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Monday, 14 December 2020

Programme for 2021

The committee have devised a series of online workshops for the new year.  They will be linked and based on stitch.  Look out for the December Newsletter which will have lots more detail. 

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

December 5 - Online with Sue

 An excellent online session with Sue this Saturday.  Sue talked through her experience and ideas for the work.  Many of the participants chose an artist as inspiration for shape, colour and design. Just as with the normal meetings many of the "zoomers" were focused on their own projects.

Here is some of the work:-

                                                                 Ann B - inspired by Miro

Anne S Inspired by Klee
Russell - inspired by Klee

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Let Sue inspire you!

 Here are some examples of Sue's work based on the workshop title for Saturday.  Inspiration from Matisse (1-3) and  Kandinsky.  We can expect to have a  great time. 

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Saturday Meeting

The workshop on Saturday, 5 December, is entitled "Finding Shapes".  We are asked to take inspiration from an artist.  Sue suggests that ideal candidates might be Matisse, Klimt, Kandinsky and Miro.  

Sue also recommends the book "From Art to Stitch" by Janet Edmonds.  Look her up. 

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Knitting and Stitching Online Workshops

There was no Harrogate but lots of opportunity to sew.. I completed three workshops.  It was great fun and here are the results:-

     Machine Embroidered Flower Meadow - with Wendy Dolan

PJ shorts  - with Katya Essery (Sew Pretty)
    I had never made a garment before!

Robin - Helen Moyes

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

November Newsletter

 The November newsletter is HERE with details of the December meeting and updates on Branch activities.

Click on the photo to view an article on the fascinating Japanese art of Boro. 


Monday, 23 November 2020

Member's Work

 Pat C has been working her way through the seasons. Here you can enjoy Spring, Summer and Autumn.  Can winter be far behind?

Pat  has also been busy on a summer meadow scene 

Monday, 16 November 2020

Zoom Workshop - 7 November 2020

Pam and Jean set the task of designing using only two circles and two quadrilaterals.  The focus of the stitching was Blanket stitch.  Here is some of the work, from Anne, Russell, Sue Pam, Pam and Susan, in various stages of development. A good days sewing. 

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Branch Meeting 7 November 2020

 Three very successful Zoom meetings on Saturday.  In the first there was a workshop challenge and at the end of the day there was "show and tell" and an introduction to the activities for the December meeting - more about these later.

The Branch Meeting itself decided that, although the committee had reviewed the admirable actions taken by Union Chapel, there should be no Face-to-face sessions for the time being. 

Regional Day has been cancelled but the Summer School was still scheduled to go ahead  in June. This will, naturally, be kept under review.

The region has initiated a Project for groups and individuals entitled the "Loving Earth Project".  You can read about it HERE

Thursday, 5 November 2020


Don't forget the Zoom meetings  on Saturday (7th).  You should receive your invitation soon. 

Thursday, 29 October 2020

K&S Workshops

Tickets for the Knitting and Stitching Workshops are now on open sale .  You can make clothes to cover you from head to toe, cuddly toys, Christmas gifts or you can learn new techniques.  Three exciting weekends ahead in November. 

Saturday, 24 October 2020

October Newsletter and November Meeting

 This month's Newsletter can be viewed by clicking below

October Newletter

You will find exciting news about three Zoom meetings for the November meeting (7 November). 

In the morning there will be an online workshop focusing on Blanket stitch, then there will be a chat and lunch session and finally a review of the workshop and introduction to the December activity (5 December).

Invitations will be sent out soon

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Crafting Workshops

 The Knitting and Stitching Show organisers are offering online workshops on three weekends in November: 13- 15th, 20 -22nd, 27 - 29th.  The subjects look very interesting with plenty of support available.  View the Programme.  Tickets go on sale soon. 

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Annual General Meeting

On Saturday 3 October the Branch held it's AGM via Zoom.  The meeting was well attended and quorate. Officers were elected and the new committee approved. 

The committee will meet to make decisions about further zoom sessions and eventually face to face meetings.

                     ZOOM 👉

Friday, 2 October 2020

Knitting and Stitching Shows Cancelled

 Sadly, with the developing situation,  all of the Autumn shows have been cancelled. The organisers are planning lots of Online Activities. You can read about them Here and complete a short survey to help guide their thinking. 

Friday, 18 September 2020

Branch News September


Click below to access the September newsletter, North West Summer School and a Blanket Stitch Tutorial

            September Newsletter

            NW  Summer School

            Blanket Stitch

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Lectures and Workshops


The Festival of Quilts was held from 30 July - 2 August. It was an online event with lots of activities.

Since the event, the organisers have made available some to the lectures and some of the workshops. These are excellent and feature some notable textile workers.  

You can access them all - free of charge - by clicking HERE

Monday, 7 September 2020

The Knitting and Stitching Show


The Organisers are intending to run a 'special' edition show at Alexandra Palace from 8 October to 11 October.

You can access the website HERE  to book tickets and to learn about the workshops available


Friday, 4 September 2020

Harrogate 2020 - Cancelled

There will be no Knitting and Stitching Show at Harrogate this year. We must look forward to 2021 when the Show is scheduled for 18 -21 November

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

August 2020 Newsletter

The August Newsletter from the Chair is now available. Click Here.  You will find news about meetings, membership and ongoing projects. 

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Zoom Talk Opportunity (Stewart Kelly) - Merseyside Branch

Our Branch Meeting on 4 July should have featured a talk from Stewart Kelly but it was cancelled.  Our neighbours at Merseyside Branch have organised a MEG Zoom meeting  which will take place at 2pm on Saturday 15th August, to which we are invited. 

The speaker will be Stewart Kelly with a talk titled "Face to Face with Stewart Kelly: Twenty Years of Thinking, Making and Communicating Ideas".

Stewart is an international fabric designer and textile artist and he will talk about his career journey. Have a look at his website here to see some of his work https://stewartkellyartist.com/exhibitions/ 

If you are interested, the cost is £5.  Please contact the branch by email treasurer@megonline.co.uk  

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

July Branch Newsletter

Here is a link to the July Branch Newsletter.  Lots of interesting information and details of activities in the North West region.

July Newsletter

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

More Bird

 A simple design, easily adapted for festive decoration

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Day of Stitch

Saturday 20 June is the EG Day of Stitch.  The theme is Birds.  Many branches are having activities on the day - socially distanced or online.  Manchester plans to celebrate birds a little later in the year, perhaps August. 

It is a lovely theme. You can take inspiration from from many sources - not least your back garden or daily, health walk.

Friday, 5 June 2020


No meeting this month but this is what we were doing in June 2016. Beading.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

New skills and old projects

This is a good time to complete (or dispose of!) any half-finished projects. I have managed five so far. It is also a time to try new skills and knowledge.  Apparently, the most popular craft are at the moment is Crochet.  I have been trying it for the first time myself and have found the video assistance of Alison Russell to be excellent.  There are so many ideas on YouTube, many of them involving household items (forks, strainers!)
The Embroiderers Guild offers online courses  and Hobbycraft offer project ideas on their website. 

But don't neglect your baking 

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Lockdown jobs

The first day of lockdown, I decided to sort out some of my stuff.  I began with the embroidery silks which were a tangled mess.  I had a suitable box and ordered the cards online.  Looks better don't you think!

I need to buy more purples, I must have used them all up.

Monday, 27 April 2020

Rainbow Squares

The Branch has a Rainbow Hanging, very suitable for the times.  Members contributed one or more squares.  Yellow proved to be the most popular colour!

Facebook Page

The Branch now has a Facebook page - Megastitchers.  The address is  Here

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

North West Regional Challenge

Although we are not meeting, you hope that you will still be sewing.  Sue, the regional chair has set a challenge to all branches. She would like every member of the branch to complete a small piece of work to be exhibited in October.  For details click here.  Happy sewing.

Meetings Cancelled

All meetings are cancelled until further notice.  We hope that you stay safe and well

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

7 March 2020

In the afternoon of 7 March, Dr Jenny Fox-Eades led us in an introduction to the Alexander Technique. We all sat up and took notice because sewing can be hard on all sorts of joints.  Jenny had a lovely manner and we relaxed (with good posture!) as she gently introduced the technique.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

March 2020 Meeting

The morning of our March Meeting is usually a series of member-led demonstrations and this year the theme was an exploration of the possibilities of hand stitches.  The demonstrators had all prepared very well and were full of infectious enthusiasm.  A great time was had by all.  Here you can see some of the work in progress.

Monday, 9 March 2020

Batik Bags

On Saturday 7 March the Branch brought together some of the bags that had been started at the February meeting.  After wax removal and additional input (stitching, framing) , here are some of the items:-

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Manchester Open

You have until 29 March to see works at the Manchester Open at Home, No 2 Tony Wilson Place Manchester, M15 4FN

Many intriguing examples of textile art have been included in the selection.

Check the website HERE

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Montague Patchers 2020

Montague Patchers put on an excellent show (as always) this year. Here are some highlights:-

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Jenny O'Leary Workshop

On 1st February, Jennie O'Leary gave a workshop on the creation of Batik Bags. Wax, paint, aprons and hairdryers were all in evidence and some wonderful ideas emerged.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

1 February 2020

At the February meeting, Joy, Pam and Linda continued The Journey with printing ideas.  Some excellent work done with some unusual methods used. Here is some of the work in progress.

Monday, 3 February 2020

The Creative Craft Show - Event City

The show took place from 30 January to 1 February.  The Branch had a large and popular stand.  Here are some images from the show:

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Montague Patchers

Make a date in your diary for the 15th Exhibition of Patchwork and Quilting by the Montague Patchers in Sale.  It takes place on Friday 14 February and Saturday 15 February (10am - 4pm)  It is always an excellent show, supporting many charities, and remember that, if you miss it, you will have to wait two years for the next one!

Friday, 17 January 2020

January 2020 - Leah Higgins

In the afternoon there was an excellent talk from Leah Higgings, entitled My Road To Ruins.  Leah talked about her journey as a textile artist and spoke generously about her work and inspirations. Here is some of her work:-

Sunday, 12 January 2020

January Meeting 2020

On the 4th January Sue organised a morning workshop on the theme of "Circles".  Sue, as ever, was beautifully prepared with ideas and materials and our imaginations ran in many ways - No, not in circles!  Here is some of the work in progress