Tuesday, 19 March 2019

March 2019 Meeting - Part 2

In the afternoon, our own members gave short presentations on aspects of their work. 

Many thanks to Linda, Sue, Ann and Karen for their lively and informative short talks.  They were all  very well received by the members. The branch really does have a wealth of talented, committed and entrepreneurial individuals among the membership. 

Monday, 11 March 2019

March 2019 Meeting

The Branch normally uses the March meeting to offer Mini workshop demonstrations in the morning followed by personal, illustrated stories in the afternoon. 

This March there were demonstrations from Pam (coloured and heat distressed fabrics), Joy (machine embroidery, Nicole (lace making), Serena (Blackwork) and Anne (combining embroidery with other arts and crafts).

They were all excellent and all of the participants were inspired and enthusiuastic.