Thursday, 23 November 2017

Javanese Flowers

Anne Butler was inspired by Tori's workshop and she has made these lovely examples

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Craft Courses

Sew and So are offering Stitching breaks. Here is a link to them - sewandso

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Thursday, 9 November 2017


Nicole Dennerly has completed her Blackwork piece from Saturday (4 November) and it is a beauty.  How is yours doing?

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Liz Almond

If you want to know what Talks and Workshops Liz Almond is offering in the next couple of years, please look under "Links" on the right of the page.

Monday, 6 November 2017

November Meeting 2017

Excellent workshops at the November meeting, You can see photos of members at work and some of Liz Almond's inspiring pieces if you click on the Photo Gallery.